Monday, December 7, 2015

The Magic "G" Word
Larry Wenger

I know that Thanksgiving is over but is it too late to thing about gratitude?  I don't think so.  Turns out, according to Life and Business Coach Lorin Beller, it's impossible to be grumpy and grateful at the same time and when we chose gratefulness we are more successful personally and professionally.  "We become more attractive to our boss, our clients, and our peers; we especially attract others who have a positive outlook on life."   Try  being grateful every day for a month,   and see if you don't you'll begin to see some benefits.  Like for example:
  • it becomes easier to work with others; even difficult projects turn out better because of the cooperative relationships you will build.
  • you'll find yourself saying "thank you" more often; acknowledging the hard work done by everyone around you.  
  • even when things aren't going well,  you'll be grateful for the small things in life:  that you have a job, even if it might not be your ideal situation; that in your search to improve your life, you have found  hidden talents that you did not know you had.
  • where others see obstacles to accomplishing a goal, you will see solutions, even new possibilities.
I'm reminded of Winston Churchill's famous quote, "Success in life is going from one failure to another with enthusiasm."  Such enthusiasm can only come when we have an attitude of gratitude for opportunities to be successful.

And we need to be grateful for the people in our lives both now and in the past.  People who have helped us alone the way; who have given us a word of encouragement; who loaned us their car for a job interview; or who gave us money when we were up against it financially.  The words of the song made famous by Josh Grobin a number of years ago remind us about times when others have helped us;  "you raise me up, so I can stand on mountains."   Be grateful!

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